Saturday, March 28, 2015

A kiss…an embrace…always an extended hand – the gift of hospitality!

(written March 23, 2015)

In Luke 10:4, Jesus sends 72 of his followers with the instructions “do not greet anyone on the road.” The more Fanosie and I visit and connect with friends, family and ministry partners, the more I realize that this must have been a nearly impossible request for the disciples to accept!

Everywhere you go in this country there is always an extended hand of welcome, often followed by an embrace, and numerous times a kiss on the cheek, but not just once, 3 and sometimes 4 times! And if you are anywhere close to someone’s home the invitation of coffee or a meal is always extended.

Hospitality oozes through this culture. You cannot help but feel welcome!

At first I wondered if everyone simply knew each other…but then I was included as well! While traveling in rural areas yesterday, our driver (Fanosie’s brother-in-law) even flagged down passing buses to say hello to the drivers he knew…and it seemed strange to no one!

So why would Jesus ask his disciples to ignore this precious gift of hospitality? Could it be that the urgency of sharing the gospel in the places Jesus himself intended to go so completely superseded even the welcome of close family and friends? Is there this kind of urgency in our understanding of the Kingdom of God?

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