Saturday, March 28, 2015

Being brought to your knees…

What are your biggest obstacles to sharing the gospel?

A young leader wondered about how nice it would be to have a church building. His congregation meets in a believers house…when they meet together the neighbours often surround the home and pelt it with rocks.

The “stoning’s” have been so severe, holes have been knocked into the roof…
A passerby reflected that it sounded like automatic gunfire as the stones hit the tin roof…

Others wondered how the established church could be so focussed on building bigger buildings while church planters and missionaries scrap out an existence, devoting their energies to sharing the gospel that is life!

God has been powerfully present in these 3 days of teaching and learning together with church planters, missionaries, and evangelists. The body of Christ is blest to have these leaders working on the front lines – literally struggling with the principalities and powers, combating the kingdom of Satan. And the presence of the Holy Spirit among these leaders and the congregations they shepherd is humbling and awe inspiring!

Every day I began my teaching time by inviting these leaders to engage Luke 10:1-12 together with me. Credit needs to be given to Alan Roxburgh for this method of study – we’ve been using this as part of our MCEC Mission Council gatherings for months and it’s amazing what God reveals when leaders gather around this text. These last three days were not an exception!

What could it mean to take no bag, no sandals, no money when we engage a new community with the gospel? Is Jesus inviting us into a place of voluntary poverty?

If the disciples are “appointed” by Christ, surely Christ has gifted his disciples to fulfill the purposes of the Kingdom?

Who carries the Kingdom of God? Whether we are welcomed or rejected, Jesus calls us to declare that the Kingdom of God has come near!

Throughout this week it has been amazing to see how the Holy Spirit has been working in these conversations, discussions, and teaching times. Fanosie and I never had the opportunity to compare notes before we arrived in Ethiopia – we had a general outline and themes, but content had not been discussed. And yet, everything we shared seemed to flow together!

As schedules and timetables shifted we needed to cut and edit and revise on the go. Together we wondered at times if we had rushed through too much material. Other times we wondered if we had given too little.
As we wrapped up for the week one leader after another began to share the insights they would take away from these days. It was incredibly humbling to hear…

I learned so much from these leaders…
About the power of the gospel…
about the urgency of sharing the good news…
about the surrender of self-sacrifice…

but then they asked if they could pray for us – for Fanosie and for me! We knelt on the concrete floor (both of us were thankful when one of the pastors tossed a couple of pillows onto the floor to save our knees).
I still cannot reflect on that time of prayer without tears coming to my eyes. It was such a powerful time of being with believers in the presence and power of God. I am not usually a charismatic person, but there were moments as Fanosie and I knelt that I begged God to open my ears so I could understand every word…

What a powerful experience of prayer!

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